Are you as dumb as a bag? Do you hate passion?
If not go check out the free galleries at the Hispanic Society of America. This place has got it all. Old paintings by dudes like Francisco de Goya, El Greco and D-Bomb Velazquez. Statues. Some sweet looking employees. Free. A cloak room. Some tile stuff.
And, it's just sweet. Also it's right across the street from Clement Clark Moore and John James Audubon's graves in case you want to have a seance or shake hands with the tomb holding the bones of the gangster who wrote Twas the Night Before Christmas after checking out the art and employees.
I also thin
Jess fell in love with a couple of the statues. When I asked her why she said that they seemed more stable than me. She said they also seemed like they would have more money than me. I pointed out that they weren't wearing clothes, and that I found it hard to believe that anyone with a bunch of money would skimp on clothes, but she told me it was just a style the rich were into this season, so I guess I'll just bide my time until Spring.
Straight up though. This is one of the least taken advantage of resources in the tri-state area. You should check it out before it gets economic downturned and just displays fake Coach bags and drawings of Prince by high schoolers from DF.
They also have first editions of Celestina and Don Quixote and some barn-burning incanabula.
The Hispanic Society of America, check it out before it turns into a ronbot (a robotic version of this guy Ron.) Broadway between 155 and 156th.
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