While at first these may simply be images taken from the point-of-view of a 4 1/2 year old girl, they do seem to hold a perspective on the world that delves deeper into the artisitc mind of said girl.
For the most part the composition and any artisitc merit could easily be written off as merely accidental or random. But at the same time one can't write it off alltogether as simply chance.
Without having any instruction other than "here's where you look and here's the button you press." she has frequently abided by the photographic composition Rule of Threes. That rule being that were you to split the photo into nine boxes, the subject of the photo should not be in the center box but rather just off center near one of the four hash marks created by the horizontal and vertical lines.
For the most part the composition and any artisitc merit could easily be written off as merely accidental or random. But at the same time one can't write it off alltogether as simply chance.
I'm not saying these are works of genius that should be on display in the Whitney (although should the curator of the Whitney happen to read this please feel free to contact me about working something out) but some of them are at least as good as any pretentious art school undergrad.
That being said, I did have to scroll through a lot (a lot (I mean a lot)) of pictures of the cat and close-ups of her brother's face where the flash completely blanched out anything that made him recognizable.
That being said, I did have to scroll through a lot (a lot (I mean a lot)) of pictures of the cat and close-ups of her brother's face where the flash completely blanched out anything that made him recognizable.
Look, the bottom line is I thought some of these were pretty cool to have been taken by a little kid. I like 'em, thought someone else out there might also. (But seriously, my kid's a badass photographer, right?)
This stuff is amazing. Let's do a show.